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On this planet of 7 billion people, why are YOU here? â€‹ This question is asked by nearly every living soul at some point.   If that question has seemed unanswerable to you, you have come to the right place.  There are indeed answers, my friend, and they may amaze you!


Each of us come into this lifetime with a personal ​blueprint​, designed to support the levels of mastery our souls intended.  Though the blueprints are held in sacred keeping within the Akashic Records, there are many windows to view them, including astro-numerology.  This marriage of two ancient sciences, astrology and numerology, create a more complete look than either can alone.   With a durable 4,000-year track record of reliability, these sciences corroborate and clarify each other when correlated.  You see the whys of your life.  Plus now you can identify what has been holding you back and what is needed on your part to shift it.  Plus highlights from your Human Design chart further flesh out the reasons why life is as it is for you.


A complete Astro-numerology Blueprint Reading gives an indepth analysis of your natal astrology chart and how it links with your personal numbers code.  This comprehensive document is designs as a reference tool for life.  Your themes for this lifetime become evident as the analysis reveals the beauty of your personal plan and design.  You will start to see why things are as they are for you and whether you are living in alignment with your original design.


Included in your Astro-numerlogy Blueprint are your key numbers; Life Purpose, Destiny, and Day of Birth number.  Exploring these alone throught a Key Numbers Reading can be a great first step for those not ready for a complete astro-numerology reading.  Once you have a general understanding of these and how they interplay in your life, they become great tools for life.   Plus, you will be given one more priceless tool: your Personal Shift Number.  This number reveals your most "shadowed" aspects, the parts of yourself you can't see as troublesome because they are so familiar.  They are part of your comfort zone yet hinder you greatly.  You will recognize what this number means as soon as you explore it fully.  Applying the "remedies" and living them daily is the first step to shifting every other shadowed aspect in your blueprint.


Exploring your own blueprint may be your first step.  Or perhaps you simply want to know if you are truly compatible with your intended marriage partner (or someone else).   A Compatability Reading  may be absolutely perfect for you.  Again the combined sciences reveal much that may otherwise be missed.  Is there enough strength between the two for a lasting relationship?  Will your ways of being in the world support each other or create an intense learning curve for each of you?


Another point to consider is whether or not your current name is fortunate.  This is the name you go by the most, what people call you.  It is not​ your birth certificate name.  (That is calculated as part of your astro-numerology blueprint and is not part of your fortunate name assessment, unless they are the same.)  Your current name is like your spiritual calling card.  It creates an energetic vibration within which you live your daily life.  Thus, having an unfortunate name creates an energetic atmosphere that throws many unnecessary obstacles in your way.  What truly is unfortunate is that 80% of the population is living with an unfortunate name!  A Fortunate Name Assessment will determine this.   If your name is identified as unfortunate, you will be made aware of what the vibration now brings.  You also will be given alternatives that resonate as fortunate names, along with what each offers vibrationally.  It is then recommended that you advise your family and friends of your chosen name, as well as changing your name legally.  Some prefer to "try it on" for awhile first by signing emails, etc., that way to see how it feels.  The change, however, does need to be completed at some point. 


My purpose in offering these services is simple: your empowerment.  Isn't it time you reclaimed your right to a life lived with purpose on purpose?  If your answer is, "YES!", proceed with your exploration of this site.  To select your desired service, click here.


Note: If you want to learn more about how numbers play out in our daily lives--with or without our knowledge-- visit my blog (click here).



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